Please note that all kids should pack a small, healthy snack as it will not be provided.
Pick-up of students is to occur at the front of the school at 4pm.
Supervision of children not enrolled in EDEP is not provided after 4:00pm. For the safety of your child, and to be courteous to the instructor, please don’t be late. Parents will be charged a $20.00 late fee to cover the cost of the instructor’s time.
If misbehavior occurs, the instructor will issue a warning and notify the parent. If the behavior does not improve, the student will be dismissed from the program.
Refunds are available only if a student misses several classes due to an ongoing illness documented by the student’s physician.
In the event of an emergency and I cannot be reached about this emergency, I authorize the leader(s) of this class to engage emergency medical care for my child until such time as I can be reached.