SRE-PTO Bylaws
Adopted: June 23, 2014
Updated: February 12, 2019
Parent-Teacher Organization (SRE-PTO)
Updated: February 12, 2019
Parent-Teacher Organization (SRE-PTO)
Article I. Name
The name of this organization is the Stone-Robinson Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (SRE-PTO). It is a PTO unit organized under the authority of the parents, faculty/staff, and administrators of the Stone-Robinson Elementary School in Albemarle County, Virginia. The SRE-PTO is a tax-exempt 501(c) 3 charitable organization.
Article II. Objectives
- To promote quality education of children within the school and community.
- To increase communication and develop a positive relationship between home and school life for all students, teachers, faculty, staff, administration, and parents.
- To represent the interest of the neighborhoods of the Stone-Robinson School District to school administrators, the School Board, the Board of Supervisors, and the community at large.
- To develop for our students united efforts among the faculty, staff, community and parents to secure for all students the highest advantages in academic, mental, physical, creative, and social education.
Article III. Policies
- This organization will be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
- The name of the organization or the names of any members in their official capacities will not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the purposes of this organization.
- SRE-PTO will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, creed, or national origin.
- The organization will cooperate with Stone-Robinson Elementary School to support the improvement of education in ways that will not interfere with administration of the school and shall not seek to control school policies.
- The organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare, but persons representing the organization in such manners will make no commitments that bind the organization.
- In the event of dissolution of the SRE-PTO, its assets will be donated to Stone-Robinson Elementary School. In the event that Stone-Robinson Elementary School is no longer in existence, the assets will go to the superseding elementary school for the district. Otherwise, assets shall be donated to the general Albemarle County Public Schools fund.
- The organization will not participate directly or indirectly in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
Article IV. Membership and Voting
Any parent or guardian who has children enrolled at Stone-Robinson Elementary School and any faculty or staff member employed by the school is automatically a member of the SRE-PTO and is encouraged to participate. Membership in the PTO is free of charge. There are three opportunities for the entire PTO membership to vote:
In all other instances, the voting is done by the Executive Board by majority vote.
Voting by the Executive Board requires a quorum, which is defined as seven of nine members present. If no quorum is reached, a vote can be taken via email with action required within one week unless further discussion is requested in writing. If discussion is requested, the vote will occur before the next scheduled PTO Board work session.
- A vote by a majority of members in attendance is required for the Appointment of Executive Board Officers at the regular May PTO meeting.
- A vote by the majority of members present is required for the Fall Budget at the September PTO/Annual Meeting.
- A vote by the majority of members present is required for the Spring Budget at the January PTO Meeting.
In all other instances, the voting is done by the Executive Board by majority vote.
Voting by the Executive Board requires a quorum, which is defined as seven of nine members present. If no quorum is reached, a vote can be taken via email with action required within one week unless further discussion is requested in writing. If discussion is requested, the vote will occur before the next scheduled PTO Board work session.
Article V. Officers and their Election
Section 1.
- The officers of the SRE-PTO will include nine positions, collectively known as the PTO Executive Board. These voting positions are defined as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Parent Council Representative, Fundraising Chair, Communications Chair, Faculty Representative, and school Principal. Immediate Past President, if applicable, is a non-voting, advisory role. A definition of each position is attached as Addendum A. The current PTO Executive Board Members and contact info for each will be posted at
- Any office may be held by two or more persons (i.e. co-presidents, co-vice presidents, etc.) with one vote.
- Officers will assume their official duties at the May/Annual PTO Meeting and will serve a two-year term with the option of reelection at the May meeting. The outgoing officers will work with the incoming officers to insure a smooth transition and proper closing of the books for the current fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30th. All files and other information will be transferred to the new board member no later than July 15th.
Section 2.
- There will be a nominating committee consisting of up to five, and no fewer than three, members of the Executive Board.
- In March , positions with expired terms will be publicized so that all stakeholders are made aware of the open position. The nominating committee will actively seek nominations from parents/guardians having children in SRE and faculty/staff of SRE. The call for nominations for open positions will be publicly advertised, including but not limited to posting the openings on the SRE-PTO website and via SRE Online. Nominations will also be accepted at the April PTO Meeting.
- The Executive Board will approve the proposed nominations (only those consenting to serve will be presented) and present it to the general membership for a vote at the May/Annual Meeting. A majority vote by paper ballots will approve the nominations. In case of a tie, the Board will vote. The elected offices will be announced within one week.
Section 3.
The removal of an Executive Board member may be undertaken at any time by quorum vote of the Executive Board if the said member proves delinquent in their duties or ability to serve successfully.
Section 4.
A vacancy occurring in any office will be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board present at a properly called meeting of the Executive Board. Due notice of such election will be given.
Article VI. Executive Board
Section 1.
The SRE-PTO Executive Board will consist of nine officers of the organization. They will be composed of parents of children at the school, faculty or staff members, and must include one designated Faculty/Staff Representative. Positions/roles are defined in Article V, Section 1 and Addendum A.
Section 2.
- To establish an agenda of activity for the school year and establish means of enacting that agenda.
- To transact necessary business in the intervals between organized meetings.
- To create committees.
- To approve the plan of work of the committees.
- To prepare and submit to the organization for approval a bi-annual budget. The budget will be approved by the general membership in attendance at the September/Annual Meeting and the January Mid-Term Meeting. Approval will be a majority vote by voice, a show of hands, or ballots will approve the final budget.
Section 3.
Regular PTO meetings will be held monthly during the school year; the time/place will be fixed by the Board at the first board meeting of the school year in September. A work session will also occur monthly, to follow the regular meeting. Special meetings may be called at any time by the president or a majority of the members of the Executive Board.
Article VII: Budget/Finances
- The SRE-PTO will work on a bi-annual budget. The proposed budget, showing anticipated expenses and revenue, will be drafted by the Executive Board and approved by the majority present at the September and January open PTO meetings. Draft budget proposals will be posted on the SRE-PTO website for at least one week prior to the schedule vote. The main budget is voted on in September and the January budget reflects mid-year changes, unspent teacher allotments, or new initiatives based on fall fundraising success.
- A call for funding requests will be announced bi-annually. The dates will be stipulated at the start of each school year. They will coincide with the September and January Budget votes.
- The budget will be contingent on the available fundraising from the semester prior.
- One CD, or equivalent, will be held for assurance in case of a financial challenge.
- The major revenue goals/sources will be approved at the September and January meetings.
- An outline of spending is due November 1 and March 1 each year by faculty/staff or other committees granted funding.
- Any unaccounted for fall and spring money (above) will be redistributed for a larger budget project the following semester.
- Monetary Balance: SRE-PTO will maintain 15% of the proposed budget in the account prior to each fundraising semester.
- Signatory Responsibility: The Treasurer and the President must obtain signature cards for the SRE-PTO checking account. A check card will be issued to both positions.
- Bank Deposits: All deposits will be made by the Treasurer and/or the President. A deposit will be made within seven days of obtaining the money.
- Fiscal Year: The SRE-PTO fiscal year will run from July 1st to June 30th.
- Official Address: The official address for the SRE-PTO is: SRE-PTO c/o Stone-Robinson Elementary School 985 North Milton Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911.
- The PTO Board will develop, maintain, and follow a set of Standard Operating Procedures for all financial transactions.
Article VIII: Committees
- Committees will be created by the Executive Board as may be deemed necessary to promote the objectives and carry on the work of the SRE-PTO. A publicized call for committee members will occur at the start of each school year. The Executive Board will appoint Committee Chairs (or co-Chairs), who will serve for a term of one year, with a reappointment option by the Board.
- The Chairs/co-Chairs will present a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval. Fall committees must submit a plan by the October PTO meeting and Spring Committees by the January Meeting. No committee work will be undertaken without the consent/approval of the Executive Board.
- The power to form Special Committees and appoint their members rests with the members of the PTO and the Executive Board. Any special committee automatically goes out of existence when its work is done and its final report is received by the Executive Board.
- A member of the Executive Board will serve as the SRE-PTO Committee Coordinator and will be responsible for keeping a master list of all committees and their committee members/chairs, including contact information.
- Each committee head will report to the Board, with contacts determined each year. The contact for the committee chair is responsible for maintaining updates from the committee and having each committee present an update prior to an upcoming event, as deemed appropriate.
Article IX: Meetings
- Meetings of the organization will be held at least four times during the school year, preferably monthly. A schedule of fixed dates/times will be established at the first Executive Board meeting of the school year.
- Any Special Meetings may be called by the President of majority of the Executive Board at any time and will require at least two days notice.
- The privilege of holding office, introducing motions, debating, and voting will be limited to members of the SRE-PTO.
- Meeting times will be set at the first PTO meeting each school year in September.
- The September meeting will serve as the Annual Meeting.
- Meeting Procedure. All meeting agendas will follow the format attached as Addendum B. The format is designed to adhere to a tight time schedule with full discussion and voting to take place at the separate Executive Board Meeting, until otherwise stipulated in the bylaws or a Special Meeting. The meeting will consist of a general meeting with a work session to follow. A closed board-only meeting is allowed in cases of sensitive personnel matters.
Article X: Parliamentary Authority
- Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, will loosely govern the SRE-PTO in all cases where applicable. A PTO board member will serve as Parliamentarian.
- Voting may be by voice, show of hands, or ballots (including email) as determined by whoever is presiding over a meeting, with a quorum of seven of nine at Executive Meetings and the majority present at open meetings . All voting will take place at Executive Board Meetings, except for the Slate of Officers Approval in May, the final budget approval in September, and the final budget approval in January.
Article XI: Amendments
- These bylaws may be amended by the Executive Board at any time by a vote, provided draft changes have been submitted to the Board prior to the meeting.
- Amendment motions may be made in writing to the VP Communications by any member of the SRE-PTO. Any motion must be made in writing to the VP Communications at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Article XII: Dissolution
Section 1.
In the event that no offices of the SRE-PTO can be filled, this organization will be considered inactive until such a time as the offices are filled. Once active, the bylaws will govern.
Section 2.
The SRE-PTO may dissolve and conclude its affairs in the following manner:
- The Executive Board will adopt a resolution recommending that this PTO be dissolved and directing that the questions of such dissolution be submitted to a vote at a Special Meeting of the membership. Written or printed notice stating that the purpose of such meeting is to consider advisability of dissolving this PTO will be given to each member entitled to vote at such meeting at least thirty days prior to the date of such meeting.
- Only those persons who were members of the PTO on the date of the adoption of the resolution and who continue to be members on the date of the special meeting will be entitled to vote on the question of dissolution.
- Approval of dissolution by this PTO will require the affirmative vote of the majority of members present and entitled to vote at the special meeting.
These amended bylaws were adopted by the SRE-PTO Executive Board, by a quorum vote during a meeting called on June 23, 2014 and were updated on January 24, 2019.
Addendum A. Executive Board Positions, Defined
The Principal shall serve as a liaison between the school district and the Board. She/he shall approve all fundraising projects of the PTO and shall be an authorized signatory for all PTO checks, contracts, and other documents.
The President shall serve as leader and key contact for the PTO; preside at all PTO meetings; ex-officio member of most committees; appoint chairpersons for special committees; coordinate the work of the officers and committees so that the PTO’s objectives can be met.
The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President; perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve; assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board; coordinate the general activities of any Special Committees created by the Executive Board. Ideally is willing to serve as President in the future.
The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all general meetings and all meetings of the Executive Board; prepare correspondence and perform all other duties assigned; maintain master documents; help recruit committee chairpersons for all vacant standing committees of the board.
The Communications Secretary shall manage communications and marketing for the PTO, including but not limited to PTO newsletters, email broadcasts, website, bulletin boards, etc. Also has the task of communicating with event and committee chairs leading up to an event and reporting progress at PTO meetings.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for and have custody of all funds; make disbursements as properly authorized; be present at all PTO events where money will be collected; assure that PTO policies and best practices are followed with regards to funds; prepare financial reports for each meeting and as needed; prepare the books for an annual audit; responsible for annual preparation and filing of taxes (due by November 15).
The Parent Council Representative serves as the liaison between the school and the Albemarle County Parent Council. Requires attendance at monthly meetings at the Parent Council. Here is the link to the Albemarle County Parent Council website.
The Fundraising Chair/Ways and Means shall manage the coordination of the PTO’s fundraising activities.
The Faculty Representative shall serve as a liaison between the PTO Board and Staff. She/he shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.
The President shall serve as leader and key contact for the PTO; preside at all PTO meetings; ex-officio member of most committees; appoint chairpersons for special committees; coordinate the work of the officers and committees so that the PTO’s objectives can be met.
The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President; perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve; assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board; coordinate the general activities of any Special Committees created by the Executive Board. Ideally is willing to serve as President in the future.
The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all general meetings and all meetings of the Executive Board; prepare correspondence and perform all other duties assigned; maintain master documents; help recruit committee chairpersons for all vacant standing committees of the board.
The Communications Secretary shall manage communications and marketing for the PTO, including but not limited to PTO newsletters, email broadcasts, website, bulletin boards, etc. Also has the task of communicating with event and committee chairs leading up to an event and reporting progress at PTO meetings.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for and have custody of all funds; make disbursements as properly authorized; be present at all PTO events where money will be collected; assure that PTO policies and best practices are followed with regards to funds; prepare financial reports for each meeting and as needed; prepare the books for an annual audit; responsible for annual preparation and filing of taxes (due by November 15).
The Parent Council Representative serves as the liaison between the school and the Albemarle County Parent Council. Requires attendance at monthly meetings at the Parent Council. Here is the link to the Albemarle County Parent Council website.
The Fundraising Chair/Ways and Means shall manage the coordination of the PTO’s fundraising activities.
The Faculty Representative shall serve as a liaison between the PTO Board and Staff. She/he shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.
Addendum B. Meeting Format
PTO GENERAL MEETING FORMAT, monthly prior to General Meeting, or as needed.
PTO WORK SESSION FORMAT (monthly after General Meeting, or as needed.)
- Welcome and Greeting
- Principal's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Faculty Rep's Report
- Parent Council Rep's Report
- President's Notes
- Vice President's Notes
- Ongoing Events/Programs Updates
- Upcoming Events / Programs
- New Business / New Proposals
- Open Discussion
PTO WORK SESSION FORMAT (monthly after General Meeting, or as needed.)
- Topics of discussion
- Topics for voting